Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario

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February 14, 2025

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PVNC Guidelines

PVNC Home Website - Policies - Special Program Transportation

We are pleased to present The PVNC Catholic District School Board's Transportation guidelines.

Eligibility Distances for Transportation

(a) Subject to the transportation eligibility distance criteria set out under this Policy, parent(s)/guardian(s) is/are responsible for:
(i) the safe conveyance of their children to and from school where the children are ineligible for transportation;
(ii) the safe conveyance of their children to bus stop locations prior to pick-up and following drop-off; and
(iii) the safe conduct of their children prior to pick-up and following drop-off at bus stop locations.

(b) Students will be provided transportation if their primary residence is more than the eligibility distance by direct route noted below, by publicly maintained road and/or walkway, from school:

Grades JK-3 1.0 km.
Grades 4-8 1.6 km.
Grades 9-12 3.2 km.

The parent(s) or guardian(s) is/are responsible for the safe conveyance of their children to and from school.
Students eligible for transportation according to the eligibility distances noted above will be assigned to a bus stop location according to the following distance guidelines:

Grades JK-3 1.0 km.
Grades 4-8 1.0 km.
Grades 9-12 1.6 km.

The parent(s) or guardian(s) is/are responsible for their children prior to pick-up and following drop-off.
Where students from partner boards share the same buses at the same time, eligibility distance from home to school will align with the lesser of the partner board's distances.

Length of Time on Buses

STSCO makes every effort to design bus routes, that would not be longer than the following:

JK to Gr 6 : one hour

Gr 7 to Gr 12: one hour and thirty minutes.

There may, however, be exceptions should the student opt to attend a school outside of their regular attendance area or to a school for a Magnet Program.

If there is no school in the immediate area and students must travel to the nearest school facility, or if the attendance area is a significant geographic area.

Where feasible, buses operating on a single route basis should be time tabled to arrive not earlier than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the beginning of morning classes.

Safety Issues

Transportation may be provided within the defined walking distance as defined in Section 1. 1 of the Board policy, if a request is made in writing for special provisions for reasons of safety. The matter will be referred to the transportation department who may consult with various agencies (local police force, Ontario Provincial Police, municipal officials. etc).

Safety appeals will be resolved by the board that provides the students' educational programs. Administration will discuss the issue with the board that holds the transportation contract.

Out of Boundary Students

Each school shall have a defined attendance area and transportation for out of boundary students is the responsibility of parent/guardians.

Consistent Pickup / Dropoff Location

Within existing routes, where feasible, consistent student pickup/dropoff transportation service shall be defined as one (1) fixed location, five (5) days per week for the school year on one bus route. However, the location for pickup, five (5) days per week, may be different from the location for dropoff, five (5) days per week on the same bus route. All exceptions must be submitted in writing and approved by the principal.

Inclement Weather

The decision as to whether or not school should be dismissed early for safety reasons will be a judgement made by the Principal in consultation with the Superintendent and other Principals and/or other Boards, and will take into consideration weather conditions as reported by the media, the Ontario Provincial Police, Ministry of Transportation and/or Township/County Road Superintendents, as well as information from Bus Operators. The Principal shall make alternate arrangements where parent/guardian/designate is not available to receive the students.

With inclement weather (e.g. ice, snow conditions) the following radio stations generally will be notified for broadcast:

Peterborough City and County (Also including Campbellford and area schools):
The Wolf - 101.5 FM
FRESH - 100.5 FM
COUNTY - 105.1 FM
CKPT - 1420 AM
CHMS (The Moose) - 97.7 FM

Clarington (Bowmanville & Courtice) area:
CKDO - 1580 AM
CKGE - 94.9 FM
KX - 96 FM

Cobourg, Port Hope & Northumberland:
STAR - 93.3 FM

City of Kawartha Lakes:
CKLY\BOB - 91.9 FM

Bancroft (Apsley):
MOOSE - 97.7 FM

Quinte West (Brighton):
CJBQ - 800 AM
MIX - 97.1 FM
COOL 100 - 100.1 FM
CJOJ - 95.5 FM
CJTN - 107.1 FM


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Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Logo
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic District School Board Logo
Conseil Scolarire de District Catholique Centre-Sud Logo
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